We're already halfway done with May (hooow???) but better late than never with this! :D I actually read quite a lot of books in April, including a critique partner's MS, most of which I read for free on Scribd. I didn't get to as many on that website as I'd hoped, but I was super happy with what I did read!

This book KILLED ME. I messaged a friend as soon as I finished and was like OH MY FUCKING GOD! THAT JUST HAPPENED! I can't say much because spoilers, but that was one of the best endings I've ever read. I was so invested, enthralled by these chaotic and disastrous theater characters. I loved that it focused on Shakespeare, and I adored the love story at the center of it all. *sobs*

I'd heard such great things about Kat Howard's books, and I LOVE short story collections, so I knew I had to give this a try. And I'm super glad I did. I adored so many of these stories, and I liked the rest a lot. My favorites: the King Arthur novella Once, Future, Painted Birds and Shivered Bones, Translatio Corporis, All Our Past Places, and the Orpheus/Eurydice retelling called Returned.

I was HOOKED on this one from the very beginning. And while it was definitely hard to wrap my head around sometimes, and it lost me a little bit in the middle, but I enjoyed it so much! SO GOOD!