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Holly J
Jul 9, 2022
the journey of book #4
It's taken me over a year and a half to reach this point, to where I can finally say I've finished my 4th book. I started this YA horror...

Holly J
Jan 25, 2021
story a month challenge: january
When I first heard of Susan Dennard's Story-A-Month challenge, I knew I had to participate. Not that I don't have so much going on...

Holly J
Jan 2, 2021
annual end of year survey (2020)
hey all, it's been awhile, LOL. Between revisions for THE BONE WAY, COVID outbreaks at work, and a hectic last few months of the year, I...

Holly J
Sep 26, 2020
I have news!! I sold a novella!!
I can't believe I finally get to write a post like this. I've been holding onto this news since the end of July, been working...

Holly J
Sep 14, 2020
my favorite reads of August
LOL I am once again so behind on this post. And I read SO MUCH in August too! Outside of the books I'll be talking about below, I also...

Holly J
Aug 2, 2020
my favorite reads of July
oh god I read SO MANY books in July! not just books, but GOOD ONES. Fantastic, amazing, thought-provoking, gorgeous. So this post is...

Holly J
Jul 6, 2020
my favorite reads of June
Guys, I read SO MANY books in June!! I took an unexpected break from writing because I was feeling some burn-out, was unmotivated, and...

Holly J
Jun 7, 2020
my favorite reads of May
I am once again behind with these book posts, but I just completely forgot about it with everything going on. And before I get into the...

Holly J
May 16, 2020
my favorite reads of April
We're already halfway done with May (hooow???) but better late than never with this! :D I actually read quite a lot of books in April,...

Holly J
May 4, 2020
I finally finished writing my 3rd book!!!
I still can't believe I get to write this post. It feels surreal that after 8+ months of hard work, tears, and uncertainty over whether I...

Holly J
Apr 12, 2020
my favorite reads of March
March was another slow month for me, because, well *gestures at world* It's hard, not only to create, but to find joy in anything. Yet...

Holly J
Mar 7, 2020
my favorite reads of February
Maybe someday I will be writing these and putting them up faster, but it is not this day! (I really wanted to gif that, but I couldn't...

Holly J
Feb 9, 2020
my favorite reads of January
January started out GREAT, and then I started playing Stardew Valley. So I didn't read as much as I'd hoped, and I wanted to, which is...

Holly J
Jan 25, 2020
my favorite reads of December
well, January is almost finished (one more fucking week, can you believe it??) but better late than never, right? I read some DAMN GOOD...
Holly J
Jan 1, 2020
a reflection on writing in 2019
I've had this title up for awhile and I'm still sitting here, debating whether I want to talk about this or not. But I've always found...

Holly J
Dec 2, 2019
My favorite reads of November
I only read 10 books in November (and 3 of them were short stories/novellas), so it wasn't a big month for me. But I read some GOOD...

Holly J
Nov 16, 2019
a NaNoWriMo update!
Hello lovelies, I'm appearing from the trenches of National Writing Month with less words than I'd hoped to have so far. I'm currently in...

Holly J
Nov 4, 2019
My favorite reads of October
Before every spooky season, I always think I want to read only scary stuff. Thrillers, horror tales, dark and monstrous shit. Instead I...
Holly J
Nov 1, 2019
It's time to NaNoWriMo again
This year, I'm simply continuing my drafting on the adult fantasy (ELLA ENCHANTED meets FAIREST in a THE BACHELOR-style competition) so I...
Holly J
Oct 22, 2019
Let me tell you about the magic that is Pacemaker
I'll be honest guys, I've struggled with writing this year. Up till September, I hadn't really drafted anything new. I tried. I really...
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