LOL I am once again so behind on this post. And I read SO MUCH in August too! Outside of the books I'll be talking about below, I also read two picture books, Sulwe and Hair Love (which were both AMAZING), the first volume of The Old Guard (which is sadly not as good as the movie), and my friend Michelle's stem girl robotics MG. Mark my words, her book is going places someday and she'll help to fill a much-needed gap in middle grade. But until then, I have an MG below that is out now and SO FUN!!

god I hope Elizabeth Acevedo never stops writing verse novels. She's *so* good at them. I inhaled this in two hours. Read her books!!! (I also just got the audiobooks of this + Clap When You Land and I'm so excited to listen to Elizabeth narrate her own stories. what a TREAT).
Mami says she thought it was a saint’s name. Gave me this gift of battle and now curses how well I live up to it.
My hands learned how to bleed when other kids tried to make him into a wound.
I only know that learning to believe in the power of my own words has been the most freeing experience of my life. It has brought me the most light. And isn’t that what a poem is? A lantern glowing in the dark.

omg I enjoyed this middle grade historical fantasy SO, SO MUCH. It was just incredibly fun!!

I'd had a ton of Tordotcom novellas on my NetGalley list and I decided to start going through them all last month. And this one was my FAVORITE (so far!). Though the story doesn't really stop to explain things to you, I didn't mind not having all the answers and was okay with being confused sometimes. Because I loved the characters and the break in POVs and the ending was WONDERFUL. I can't wait for the companion novella!
Since September is already halfway over (how the fuck), I'm not going to do a TBR. But I will say that I'll be reading Girl, Serpent, Thorn for an online book club! I CAN'T WAIT TO FINALLY get to this book!